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Corporate Office Cleaning for Greater Toronto Area Businesses

Whether you’re a Fortune 500 company or a small business owner, you want your business to look pristine for your employees, vendors, and partners. CleanSafe Janitorial offers comprehensive cleaning services for corporate companies throughout the Greater Toronto Area. Our professional cleaners can customize a program explicitly designed to meet your business’ needs regardless of if you work out of a single office room or a multi-story location. We offer free estimates for all of our cleaning programs, so you can feel confident that you’re getting an exceptional value.

commercial office space

Disinfectant Services to Prevent the Spread of Germs

Now more than ever, it’s important to keep your corporate office clean with effective disinfectant services using proven methods. The products we use are medical-grade and have been approved by both Health Canada and the EPA for use against germ protection. At CleanSafe Janitorial, we utilize a safe, three-step electrostatic disinfection process, which eliminates germs and provides a safe environment for staff, customers, and visitors. This process doesn’t damage electronics, so it’s ideal for use on computers, telephones, printers, and copiers. A surface may look clean, but we know that isn’t enough. Our team can help you prevent the spread of germs and viruses in your office with our antimicrobial products.

Complete Corporate Cleaning Services

Our professional team of cleaners uses top-of-the-line, eco-friendly cleaning products for an efficient and effective service. We offer one-time cleaning and routine scheduled services that are always sure to exceed your expectations:

Interior Cleaning Services

Studies show that a clean office environment improves employee productivity and safety. Cleansafe offers a wide selection of interior cleaning services, including carpet and upholstery cleaning, floor stripping and waxing, dusting, and surface disinfectant. Your business will see improved employee morale and a safer, cleaner office.

Window Cleaning Services

Does the exterior of your office reflect your values? With our window cleaning services, we can ensure that your business’ first impression towards customers, vendors, and new employees is a great one.

Why Choose CleanSafe Janitorial?

It’s essential to choose someone you can trust for your office cleaning needs. Our team of experienced professional cleaners has the products and knowledge to ensure your business is safe. We can help you find a customizable cleaning routine that is right for you. All of the products we use are effective and eco-friendly, so you won’t have to compromise air quality for cleanliness. If you have any questions about our products or process, you can count on our knowledgeable team to help.

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