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Commercial Janitorial Services for Your Business

CleanSafe Janitorial is the leader in commercial cleaning for businesses throughout the Greater Toronto Area. We offer cleaning services for all commercial businesses, including office locations, retail stores, educational facilities, fitness centers, and much more. Our team of knowledgeable and friendly cleaners provides the best experience with the best cleaning solutions available. We have the products and the techniques to handle all of your cleaning needs. Whether you’re looking for a one-time cleaning service or to schedule a routine cleaning package, you can count on us! We believe in providing every business with an exceptional clean from our excellent team!

man disinfecting office space

Customizable Cleaning

When it comes to janitorial services, we understand that every business has different needs. At CleanSafe Janitorial, we offer customizable cleaning services to help keep your business looking fabulous. You can always count on our team to provide you with affordable and effective cleaning services. Our team will come to your facility and meet with you to create a cleaning regiment that meets your needs. Learn more about our cleaning services and contact us today to schedule your free estimate.

  • Window Cleaning
  • Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning
  • Floor Stripping & Waxing
  • Disinfection
  • Deep Cleaning
  • Anti-Microbial-Protection Cleaning

Our Cleaners

Our team has years of experience providing cleaning services to businesses throughout the Greater Toronto Area. We care deeply about the cleanliness of your business. Our knowledgeable and friendly cleaners will answer any questions you may have about our services or products. We treat every project we work on as our only task. Our dedication guarantees that your facility will look amazing once we are finished. If you want your business to look its best, find out how we can help!

Our Products

At CleanSafe Janitorial, we believe in utilizing cleaning products that are not only effective, but safe for the environment. It is our responsibility to our customers and the planet to use cleaning products that are safer for the environment. Our environmentally-friendly cleaning products use fewer harmful chemicals, which also means better air quality for you, your staff, and guests. When you’re in need of exceptional cleaning services without compromising the environment and the air your breath, then choose us.

Cleansafe Janitorial and Maintenance Inc.

2570 Matheson Blvd East, Unit 116
Mississauga, ON L4W 4Z3

905-766-3286 or 1-877-497-9036

Available 24/7

2570 Matheson Blvd E, Mississauga, ON L4W 5A8, Canada

Schedule an Appointment

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