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Greater Toronto Area Automotive Dealership Cleaning

As an automotive dealership, your reputation is crucial for getting customers through the door. If your dealership isn’t clean, then it may deter customers from purchasing from or even visiting your dealership. You can trust the cleaners at CleanSafe Janitorial to provide you with comprehensive cleaning solutions for your automotive dealership. Our team has helped businesses throughout the Greater Toronto Area project professionalism with our services. Contact us today to schedule a one-time cleaning or create a custom cleaning maintenance program. We offer free estimates for all of our services.

auto factory

Why Is Automotive Cleaning Important?

Whether you’re an independent dealership with a single location or a large automotive group with multiple showrooms throughout the area, it’s important to invest in the cleanliness of your business. Maintaining a spotless dealership goes a long way to building a customer base that is satisfied with your service. Customers come to your company for a new or pre-owned vehicle they can be proud to own. Our vehicle disinfectant service ensures that every customer takes note of the cleanliness of the vehicles you sell, so they’ll remember your dealership the next time it’s time to buy.

What Is Automotive Cleaning?

Car sales are an extremely competitive market. Each dealership is continually setting the bar for customers that are looking for a great vehicle at an affordable price. But what sets your business apart from the rest of the dealerships in the area? With our automotive cleaning services, you can “wow” your customers with exceptional cleanliness in both your showroom and vehicles. Our professionals have years of experience providing cleaning services for both large and independently-owned dealerships:

Dealership Cleaning

What does your dealership floor say about your business? At Cleansafe, we offer a wide range of services that include floor stripping and waxing, hard-surface cleaning, trash removal, and carpet and upholstery cleaning. You can count on our team to improve the look of your dealership showroom with reliable services.

Vehicle Disinfectant

Your customers come to you for a vehicle that they can be proud of, and our team can help with that. We follow a stringent three-step disinfectant process that eliminates any bacteria, mould, or viruses from the vehicles you are selling. With our vehicle disinfectant services, our team uses effective and biodegradable cleaning solutions that have been backed by the EPA and Health Canada.

Find the Right Automotive Dealership Cleaner

At CleanSafe Janitorial, we do it all. We utilize eco-friendly products that are safe for the environment but effective against germs and allergens. You can be confident that harsh chemicals won’t compromise your air quality. Our team is dedicated to your satisfaction and aims to go above and beyond to ensure you’re happy with the way your dealership and vehicles look once we’re done.

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