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Anti-microbial Protection

The proliferation of viruses has changed everything about the way that businesses in the Greater Toronto Area operate. So, we’ve changed the way that we clean. Now more than ever, it’s important to protect guests, employees, and the community from viruses. With the health and safety of your organization at stake, you can always count on the experienced and knowledgeable team at CleanSafe Janitorial. Our cleaners have been strictly trained on the proper protocol for dealing with the virus.


How Our Products Help Protect Against Germs

Using tested and approved products to kill the virus effectively is essential. We have thoroughly researched based on government guidelines to determine how to best serve our customers. Our disinfectant solutions can be used on nearly any hard surface to eliminate germs, including:

Door Knobs and Handles

Doorknobs and handles are a breeding ground for germs and bacteria. By targeting them, we can prevent the spread of the virus between customers and employees.


Handrails are another high-contact surface that can lead to the spread of germs. When a guest or employee covers their mouth to cough and then touches the handrail, the virus may live on the surface for a period of time. We will systematically clean your facility to prevent the spread of the virus.

POS Systems

Point of Sale systems (POS) are used by your customers to pay for goods and services. In order to protect your customers, employees, and your business, we will ensure that your POS systems are appropriately sanitized.

Tables and Countertops

For restaurants, it is essential that you protect your patrons by properly sanitizing your tables and countertops. As businesses begin operation again, it is not the time to become lackadaisical on cleanliness.

Our Three-Step commercial Cleaning Protocol

We’ve equipped our cleaners with innovative systems and solutions to combat germ protection effectively. Our teams are highly trained to reduce the risk of infection among employees and customers. A virus infection at your business could cost thousands of dollars and tarnish your reputation. With best-in-class solutions and an effective three-step cleaning process, our team can help:

Step 1: Clean & Wipe

First, we will determine your surfaces' micro-organism contamination level by administering an ATP test. Once completed, we will begin by wiping down all the surfaces with VitalOxide. VitalOxide has been approved by Health Canada and the EPA for use against germ protection.

Step 2: Electrostatic Disinfection

Using the Clorox® Total 360 electrostatic sprayer, we will apply VitalOxide as a fog to ensure total coverage. This process is entirely safe for electronics, including computers, TVs, telephones, and more.

Step 3: Antimicrobial Protection

Our team then applies AEGIS Microbe Shield® to the surfaces to provide long-lasting protection against bacteria and viruses.

Your Choice for  Cleaning

At CleanSafe Janitorial, there’s never any doubt that we mean clean. Our cleaning professionals offer 24/7 assistance to ensure that your facility is safe for the public. We work alongside business owners to create a cleaning regiment that is right for them. Then, execute it to perfection with high-quality cleaning products and a knowledgeable team of experts. We have the skills and team to handle any size cleaning project. You can learn more about how we can help you with a free cleaning consultation.

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