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Make Your Business Shine With Deep Cleaning Services

Making the right first impression is essential. In fact, an unclean facility can actively turn away customers and potential employees. CleanSafe Janitorial is here to ensure it doesn’t happen. Our deep clean services are available to a wide variety of industries and are tailor-made for the best results. As the premier commercial cleaning company in the Greater Toronto Area, our cleaners use eco-friendly and effective cleaning solutions for every cleaning project we undertake. We go above and beyond to ensure that nothing is overlooked so that you can feel confident that your business is at its best.

Cleaning in progress board

Would My Facility Benefit From a Deep Clean?

In a word: Yes! A clean business will boost company morale and improve its public image. We understand that each business has specific needs when it comes to cleanliness and our team works alongside our partners to develop a plan to deliver the best results. Learn more about how we can help keep your business clean and happy.

Keep Your Business Clean and Happy

Educational Facilities

At schools, colleges, or daycares, the very best level of cleanliness expects the very best level of cleanliness. We are here to meet and exceed those expectations! We can help keep students and faculty healthy with deep cleaning solutions. We offer comprehensive cleaning plans that include:

  • Common Areas
  • Lunchroom and Cafeteria
  • Restrooms and Locker Rooms
  • And More
Retail Stores

Retail stores cover a wide variety of industries, including car sales, convenience stores, shopping centres, and more. They all count on our deep cleaning solutions for their business. We have the tools and the cleaning professionals to handle any size job.

  • Restroom Cleaning
  • Scrubbing
  • Dusting
  • Window Washing
  • And More

Employees spend most of their waking hours in the office. A clean space will not only improve office morale; it will prevent the spread of germs and lead to a more productive workday. Our deep-clean team will go through your entire office space to ensure you are satisfied with the result. As part of our services, we:

  • Dust and Clean All Countertops and Desks
  • Vacuum and Sweep Floors
  • Clean Telephones
  • Wipe Doorknobs and Light Switches
  • Clean Office Kitchen Appliances
  • Wash Down Sinks
  • Clean Vanity Tops
  • And More

Deep Cleaning Maintenance Packages

At CleanSafe Janitorial, we can help businesses across all industries maintain a clean and sanitary commercial space. Our maintenance plans are specially tailored to cater to the needs of each business. We are dedicated to the satisfaction of our clients.

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