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Protect Your Clients and Employees With Disinfectant Cleaning

For some businesses, “clean” just isn’t clean enough. Luckily, CleanSafe Janitorial offers disinfectant cleaning services. As Greater Toronto Area’s premier janitorial cleaning company, you can count on our team to prevent the spread of germs and viruses with our complete disinfectant treatment plan. We utilize the Clorox® Total 360 System, an electrostatic sprayer, which offers the most comprehensive coverage for your surfaces. Combined with AEGIS Microbe Shield® for long-lasting protection, you’ll feel confident in our ability to keep you and your employees safe from viruses and bacteria. We offer customizable regiments using best-in-class equipment and cleaning solutions to fit the needs of your business. Get started today!

Sanitizing table

The High-Touch Surfaces We Clean

By disinfecting high-touch surfaces in your office, we are able to prevent germs, viruses, and pathogens from spreading to your clients and employees. High-touch surfaces are where germs are most transmissible from person to person. AEGIS Microbe Shield® can keep your surfaces germ-free for up to three months. By identifying and specifically targeting these locations, our team is able to protect your office from germs. Every business is different, and our knowledgeable team will work alongside them to understand their needs.

  • Tabletops & Countertops
  • Doorknobs & Handles
  • Light Switches
  • Toilet Seats
  • Desks

Our Three-Step Lasting Surface Protection Process

Did you know that the average full-time employee missed 8.5 workdays in 2019 due to illness, which cost the employer $1,719 annually per employee? Our cleaning professionals are equipped with the best-in-class products, including VitalOxide. VitalOxide is 100% biodegradable and is safe for use on fabrics, furniture, carpet, natural stone, and plastic. It’s NSF rated (D-2), which means it can be used at full strength on food-contact surfaces with no rinsing. Our team offers a comprehensive three-step cleaning process that ensures your business’ surfaces are clean and your employees are safe from viruses and bacteria:

Step 1: Clean & Wipe

Our team will conduct an ATP test to determine the level of micro-organism contamination. We then clean and wipe down the surface with VitalOxide, which is a medical-grade disinfectant approved by both Health Canada and the EPA for use against germs. This will remove surface contaminants such as dirt and oils as well as bacteria, mould, and viruses.

Step 2: Electrostatic Disinfection

Next, we apply VitalOxide as a fog using electrostatic equipment that targets and destroys micro-organisms and viruses, such as germs. This type of application is 100% safe for electronics and computers and ensures 360 coverage of disinfectant.

Step 3: Antimicrobial Protection

Finally, AEGIS® antimicrobial surface protection is applied using the Clorox® Total 360 System’s electrostatic sprayer for unmatched protection.

Who Should Choose a Disinfectant Cleaning Service

While every business would benefit from a disinfectant cleaning from the experts at CleanSafe Janitorial, some companies are responsible for keeping their clients and patients safe while in their facility. As trained cleaning experts, we understand the importance these businesses place on cleanliness and act to provide a reliable and comprehensive disinfectant cleaning service.

Med Spas

Nothing will ruin the reputation of a med spa faster than an unclean office. We help protect patients, medical staff, and doctors with disinfectant cleaning services on high-touch surfaces. By disinfecting high-touch surfaces, we can prevent the spread of germs and possible post-procedure complications.


Colleges, schools, and daycare centres are a haven for all kinds of germs and viruses. Not only are the staff and students at risk, but they can bring those germs home to their parents and grandparents. Trust our team to help keep families safe with our comprehensive disinfectant services.

Doctor’s Offices & Hospitals

Whether it’s a small private practice or a large medical facility, our team can help keep your patients safe with disinfectant cleaning services. With so many sick and healthy patients entering the facility, the spread of germs can be rampant.

Disinfectant Maintenance Plan Cleaning

Our maintenance plans are specifically designed to help businesses when they need it most. Whether they choose a daily, weekly, or monthly disinfectant plan, they count on us to protect their customers, patients, and staff from germs and viruses.

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