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Janitorial Services in the Greater Toronto Area

Comprehensive Janitorial Cleaning Services for Your Business

CleanSafe Janitorial is dedicated to creating a clean work environment at your facility. As one of the leaders in janitorial services, our abilities provide you with safe and effective cleaning solutions. Our cleaners utilize eco-friendly cleaning products, so you can experience the deepest clean without the use of harsh and harmful chemicals. We are a team of professionals that offers custom cleaning packages that work for your business’s schedule. Whether you’re looking for one-time cleaning of your office or a long-term maintenance plan, you can count on us to keep your space clean.

Commercial Cleaning

Our Three-Step Commercial Disinfectant Process

Now more than ever, it’s important that businesses keep their customers and employees safe. We offer germ protection cleaning solutions to help prevent the transmission and spread of the virus. Our team is available 24/7. Learn more about how we can protect your business with our germ protection cleaning regimen.

For hospitals, wellness centres, and educational institutions, disinfectant services will help keep your staff and visitors safe while they are on your property. Our three-step disinfectant process can be applied at corporate offices and other commercial locations to reduce the spread of viruses and bacteria. We have the tools and trained team to service any business throughout the Greater Toronto Area.

Interior of a modern luxury hotel reception

Interior & Exterior Commercial Cleaner

The presentation and cleanliness of your business are some of its most important assets. At CleanSafe Janitorial, our team has the experience and products to provide interior and exterior commercial cleaning services for the hospitality industry, health and wellness, educational centres, and corporate businesses. Discover how we can create a welcoming environment for your customers and employees.